Special activities
Event for the children of the rescue workers of the National Police of Peru, belonging to the sea rescue unit, this November 21, 2024.
Below are the activities carried out by the children (aged between 01 and 12) and their parents:
-Children's show by the Transit Unit of the Peruvian National Police (PNP)
-Horseback riding by the historic PNP unit
-Inflatable games
-Recreational activities
-Canine demonstration by the police unit
-Surprises and treats
-Ride on the unit's ATVs
-Rope descent with PNP emergency squadron equipment
Police personnel in the Sea Rescue Unit are trained in basic lifesaving courses, open circuit diving, instructors and watercraft operation, training that enables them to successfully meet the challenges of service, facing nature with courage and bravery, snatching victims from the sea.
“Gestures like those of your association, inspire and lift our spirits, commit us to continue striving to fulfill the mission entrusted to us and to maintain the illusion and faith in goodness and solidarity among good people” Commander and Chief of PNP Units